Endodontics – Norwood, MA
Pain Relief That Preserves Your Tooth
Do you have a persistent toothache that doesn’t ever subside or seems to be getting worse? If so, it’s possible that you might have developed an infection in the tender pulp inside of it. Although there are several potential causes, this kind of issue is often addressed in the same way. Our team at Norwood Dental Care can provide pain relief that preserves your tooth with a root canal procedure.
Continue reading to learn more about what’s involved in this treatment and whether it might benefit you. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us, and we’d be happy to assist you.
Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal therapy is the tried-and-true endodontic method to remove infected materials to save your natural tooth, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best option for your unique circumstances. The only way to know for sure whether you need this treatment is to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. They’ll examine your mouth and recommend an appropriate solution based on their findings.
A root canal may be required if you’re exhibiting one or more of the following symptoms:
- Sharp or piercing pain when you bite down.
- Red or inflamed gums.
- Persistent sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks.
- Discoloration of the affected tooth.
- A severe toothache that doesn’t subside.
The Root Canal Process
Many patients worry that their endodontics will be long and agonizing, but it tends to alleviate more pain than it causes. First, our team will apply a local anesthetic around your diseased tooth to keep you comfortable while we work. Then, we’ll create a small opening in it to remove any diseased or decayed materials with specialized instruments.
Next, we’ll sanitize the area to remove any remaining bacteria inside the roots before applying gutta percha to seal it. Next, we’ll likely fit you with a temporary crown to wear until your permanent one arrives and can be bonded in place. This restores your smile’s appearance and functionality.
The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal
There are several benefits to getting endodontic treatment in Norwood, such as:
- Pain Relief. The infection in your tooth is what’s causing your discomfort, and clearing it out is the best way to alleviate the ache.
- Preserve your natural teeth. This procedure repairs your natural tooth in circumstances that might require extraction and replacement.
- Enhance your appearance. Your affected tooth may be chipped, cracked, or discolored, which can detract from your looks. Your dental crown can be customized for a seamless smile.
- Long-lasting results. There’s a slight chance your tooth might need a repeat treatment someday, but in most cases, the results of this procedure last for the rest of your life.
- Easy maintenance. Caring for your repaired tooth is as simple as brushing and flossing twice daily and having a checkup every 6 months.